8 Wired Mando A Mando Mandarin Sour 500ml
The Mando is somewhat of a beer geeks beer, it's wild fermented, barrel aged for 2 years, re-fermented with Mandarins, limited availability.... it's got all the things going for it. Even sommeliers are using it when they are feeling wild with their wine pairings. Fundamentally though 8 wired have created a delicious juicy sour that can be savoured by any beer lover.
With well over a decade of producing some of the most innovative beers locally, Soren Eriksen continues to live the 8 wired mentality. Utilising old wine casks from local wineries to build one of the biggest barrel ageing programs in NZ. Allowing them to push the boundaries of beer styles and produce some beers that usually can only be found in a small Danish village's.